by Stefan Stenudd
2012 World Complete HoroscopeClassical Astrology Predictions for 2012
(December 7, 2011) Drastic changes to home and family structures, tougher tones in politics, continued focus on new modes of communication, increased impatience in all kinds of partnerships, growing unemployment, but also a blooming entertainment industry and new directions for art — those are some of the events to expect in 2012, according to the world horoscope.
The choice of GMT, Greenwich Mean Time, is obvious: it's the starting point for the world clock system on which all countries agree. Well, there are some local exceptions, but they are insignificant compared to the whole. So, this is what the horoscope looks like for January 1, 2012, Midnight GMT, with Greenwich, England, as the location:
Now, this type of annual horoscope is consistent from year to year in some ways, and differs in others. The Ascendant (AC), therefore also Medium Coeli (MC) and the astrological Houses, remain in just about the same position from year to year. So does the sun, of course, since it's the heavenly body on which we base the year. But the other planets move from year to year. That's why they should be observed the most closely, when reading the 2012 world horoscope. Also the aspects, certain angles they form to one another and to the above mentioned persistent points of the horoscope. That, too, changes from year to year. The Greenwich base for the annual world horoscope will remain as long as we keep the present time zone system. Since the horoscope is based on what the global society has agreed upon, it primarily shows what happens to this our society. Well, that's what we're the most curious about, anyway.
This continued movement indicates what happens to tendencies and circumstances shown by the January 1 complete horoscope chart. And when the planets form new aspects or pass from one House or Zodiac sign to another, this signifies changes of what was expected from their January 1 positions. It's a dynamic system. So is society, indeed.
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