by Stefan Stenudd


2012 World Complete Horoscope

Classical Astrology Predictions for 2012

2012 World Horoscope

Uneventful Sides of Society

(December 7, 2011) The following two Houses represent environments or fields of society, which are rather uneventful during 2012, according to the world horoscope. That's because they lack planets, which are the active forces in the horoscope.


Your Health in Your Horoscope. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Your Health in Your Horoscope

This book by Stefan Stenudd explains what your horoscope says about your health, according to the old tradition of medical astrology. The book contains a quick introduction to astrology, as well, and instructions on how to read a birth chart in general. Click the image to see the book (and Kindle ebook) at Amazon (paid link).

       Still, they continue to express the characteristics given to them by the Zodiac signs they occupy.

       First in this duo is the 8th House in Taurus, showing that our modern society tends to have a down-to-earth attitude towards things beyond our control. We neither mystify nor just surrender to them. Instead we continuously strive for methods to control fate in all its expressions. Actually, we have an attitude of refusing to accept that there is anything at all forever beyond our control — not even death.

       The 9th House in Gemini shows that we tend to take even major changes lightly, but also that most changes we accomplish are not as big as we would like to think — except for the fact that they involve so many people. Small changes to the life situation of every member of society must be regarded as great changes to society as a whole.

Compassion Meets with Obstacles

MC, Medium Coeli (also called Midheaven), is positioned early in the 10th House. That's a recurring position in the annual world horoscopes, as long as they are based on Greenwich Mean Time. Yet, because it's aspected to planets in a way that's unique for the 2012 horoscope, its function differs from other years.

       In itself, MC in this House and the sign of Cancer shows that we regard our society as a caring one, supporting its citizens. In reality, that's far from always the case.

       Midheaven has a square aspect to the Ascendant, which is the same every year. It simply points out that society's ability to care for its citizens is often obstructed by the ethics it claims to uphold. Such principles might have been born out of a sense of compassion, but the practice of them often lack just that.

       The reverse can also be true: Sometimes the social care for the citizens makes it necessary to brush aside fixed principles.

       In the 2012 world horoscope, MC also has a square to the moon on the cusp of the 7th House. This shows that our impatience in partnerships is something that we as a society don't really approve of. Therefore we often tend to close our eyes to it.

       Still, the strongest MC aspects are the oppositions to both Pluto and the sun in the 4th House. This stresses the insoluble conflict between society's ambition to care for its citizens and the drastic changes commencing in people's homes and family lives. They lead away from security and the traditional caring environment.

       Homes seem instead to become institutions of their own, as if being offices more than homes, with co-workers rather than families. It seems as if society is inverting the social setting with the private one, so that people turn away from their families when they need care.

       Now, by the above mentioned squares and oppositions, Medium Coeli forms an aspect figure called the big square: four points of the horoscope joined together by squares. In this case it's MC, the moon, Pluto together with the sun because they are so close, and finally the Ascendant. Such a closed geometrical figure of aspects intensifies the importance and strength of them.

       The four corners of the big square form what can be called a system of causes and effects, where each point can be both a cause and an effect. For example, The firm ethics shown by the Ascendant causes problems for the MC attitude of a caring society, as described above. At the same time, the caring society frequently causes the firm principles to be bent. It's the same with all the aspects involved in the figure.

       So, there's a pattern of complications between the private and the official, between compassion and ambition, which is particularly obvious in society during 2012. It will be manifested in lots of ways, big and small.

       The strongest point in the big square is that of Pluto and the sun in conjunction in the 4th House and Capricorn. Its superior strength comes from the fact that it has two heavenly bodies instead of just one, and that they are so important. The sun is the mightiest of all, of course, although discreet and adaptive in its effect, and Pluto is the one creating the most revolutionary events.

       This means that the other points tend to serve more than lead. The Pluto and sun conjunction is the major cause, but also shows where the major effects appear.

       As explained in the text above about the 4th House, this is then all about the significant change of the home and family situation in our society. In 2012 this change might be little more than implied by events here and there, tendencies more than big news, but the change is on the way and this year is to a great extent when it starts.

Crisis in Labor

The 11th House lacks planets, so it just expresses the characteristics that remain the same from year to year: The strongest ideals and aspirations in society are individualistic. Of course, this individualism contributes to the conflicts described about the big square. But it doesn't really add new elements to them.

       The 12th House, though, has got Mars in the middle, in the sign of Virgo. This pretty much repeats and enforces what was said about the 6th House regarding labor. There are many obstacles in the world wide field of labor, creating injustices and a lot of unemployed.

       Mars in the 12th House always creates some trouble or crisis, but also the lack of power to deal with it. This lack of power is often the reason for the trouble appearing. In Virgo this clearly refers to the world of work, employment, and getting things done. So, 2012 will have particular labor problems, which society lacks the force and control to solve.

       Mars has a square aspect to Mercury in the 3rd House. This indicates that renewed modes of communication will result in diminished numbers of workers needed. We've seen a lot of that since the introduction of the computer, but this year will have its own events that have this effect. People communicate in different ways, and the result is unemployment as well as other forms of labor difficulties.


The World Horoscope Chart

The Starting Point of the Year

Constant Characteristics of the World Community


Upholding Balance by Power

The World Economy Constantly Shivering

The Era of Communication

Revolution at Home

Entertainment Blooming and Art in Transformation

The Hardship of Labor

Impatient Partnerships

Uneventful Sides of Society

Compassion Meets with Obstacles

Crisis in Labor

My Annual World Horoscopes

Here are all my annual world horoscopes. I've done it on this website for each year since 2012, with readings based on the complete world horoscope and its transits. I haven't checked yet how accurate they have turned out to be. Feel free to let me know.

The 2018 World Horoscope

The 2017 World Horoscope

The 2016 World Horoscope

The 2015 World Horoscope

The 2014 World Horoscope

The 2013 World Horoscope

The 2012 World Horoscope

How to Chart and Read the World Horoscope

For information about how to make an annual world horoscope, and what to consider when doing it, click the header.

If you want to comment the text,
please go here (my astrology blog).


Click the image to see the book at Amazon (paid link).

Tarot Unfolded. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Tarot Unfolded

This book presents an imaginative method of reading the divination cards, which is the most appropriate for the Tarot, since it consists of symbolic images.

Archetypes of Mythology. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Archetypes of Mythology

Jungian theories on myth and religion examined, from Carl G. Jung to Jordan B. Peterson.

Cosmos of the Ancients. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Cosmos of the Ancients

All the philosophers of Ancient Greece and what they thought about cosmology, myth, religion and the gods.

Life Energy Encyclopedia. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Life Energy Encyclopedia

Qi (chi), prana, pneuma, spiritus, and all the other life force concepts around the world explained and compared.



How to Make Your Own Horoscope

Your Health Horoscope

Sex in Your Horoscope

Zodiac Archetypes

Financial Astrology

Daily Horoscope Guide — What to Expect

Tetrabiblos — the Ancient Astrology Bible


Zodiac — the "how" of the horoscope

Planets — the "what" of the horoscope

Houses — the "where" of the horoscope

Aspects — the "why" of the horoscope


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Mundane Pluto — Its Effect on Society

Mundane Neptune — Its Effect on the Arts


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The twelve Zodiac signs and what they mean in astrology.

Aries Zodiac Sign


Taurus Zodiac Sign


Gemini Zodiac Sign


Cancer Zodiac Sign


Leo Zodiac Sign


Virgo Zodiac Sign


Libra Zodiac Sign


Scorpio Zodiac Sign


Sagittarius Zodiac Sign


Capricorn Zodiac Sign


Aquarius Zodiac Sign


Pisces Zodiac Sign



Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Card Meanings. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the old Tarot deck of cards with a free online divination. How to use the Tarot and what each card means.

I Ching Online

I Ching Online. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the ancient Chinese divination online for free. The 64 hexagrams of I Ching, The Book of Change, and what they mean in divination.

Stefan Stenudd

Stefan Stenudd, Swedish author of fiction and non-fiction.

About me

I'm a Swedish astrologer, author and historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. My personal website:

© Stefan Stenudd