by Stefan Stenudd
Hillary Clinton's 2016 Election HoroscopeThis time she has a good chance at becoming president![]()
Hillary Clinton's birth chart horoscope is based on the time 8:00 AM (in Chicago on the 26th of October 1947). Unlike Obama, her birth certificate has not been published, to my knowledge, and there is no other strong official confirmation of the time. But there are many indicators of it, so it will have to do. Here is my reading of her birth chart:
Below, though, is the transit horoscope chart for the presidential election day, November 8, 2016. The outer planets are those of that day, and the inner ones are Hillary Clinton's birth chart. The lines in the innermost circle are the transits between those two sets of planets. Note that conjunctions (0°) are not marked with any lines, but should be easily spotted anyway on this type of chart.
![]() Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election horoscope.
Jupiter Fulfills the DreamWhat first caught my eye in the chart was transit Jupiter in conjunction with Neptune in Hillary Clinton's birth horoscope. At the time of the election, they meet. Jupiter brings good fortune to Neptune, the dreamer. Hillary's dream is one of power and control, and it is in the 11th House that deals with society as a whole. She dreams of ruling the society she lives in. Since it is in Libra, she wants to rule much like a judge. Jupiter gives her that chance.Jupiter takes twelve years to go through the whole Zodiac, so she has experienced this conjuntion with Neptune several times before — but not on an election day when she was running for office. It is a strong indicator that she will do well in the election, if she is one of the candidates on that day. This indication is fortified by her Neptune being in the positive sextile aspect with Pluto and Mars in her birth chart. Those two form a formidably powerful union in Leo, the majestic sign of personal prominence. And their position by the end of the 9th House is sure to create a longing for the 10th, which is the House of social importance. Saturn, at the very cusp to it, is pulling them, too. Hillary Clinton wants to be the boss, and Jupiter over Neptune in sextile to Pluto and Mars gives her the opportunity. Not just the boss, but the boss she has dreamed to be.
Victory Seems Obvious a Week in AdvanceJupiter passes over Hillary's Neptune just once this time around. Because of the retrograde movement of the planets from our geocentric perspective, it is common with three transit passings — forward, back, and forward again. But in this case there is only one. When Jupiter later on has its retrograde movement, it stops short of reaching Hillary's Neptune, before moving forward again. So, it's one powerful passing telling: This is it.Jupiter reaches the exact conjunction with Hillary's Neptune on November 1, but the transit is active about one week before and after that. This means that her success in the election is expected beforehand — but not long before. The weeks leading up to the election do point at it, but not until the very last week does it become obvious.
Saturn Prepares Her for the TaskThe Jupiter position alone would be a strong astrological indicator that Hillary Clinton can win the 2016 presidential election. But there is more. Another strong indicator is transit Saturn, the planet that has represented high authority since astrology emerged. On the election day, Saturn is in the beneficial trine (120°) transit to Hillary's Mars and Pluto conjunction, mentioned above.At that time, Saturn is in Sagittarius, the sign of aiming far, and in Hillary's 1st House, which is the one ruling her appearance in the eyes of others. So, when the old ruler Saturn is a capacity of hers, it connects to the strongest point in her birth chart, the conjunction of two forceful entitites in the sign of personal triumph. She gathers all her personal resources and utilizes them to show what force and commitment she can muster. Saturn takes 29 years to complete one orbit around the Zodiac, so this constellation Hillary has experienced twice before. But again, never during a presidential election where she was one of the candidates. The Saturn transit starts in late October, and people around her will see how she really starts adjusting to the enormous responsibility of being the US president. Her expression becomes more grim and she is so focused on the future that others have a hard time catching her attention.
A Warrior MindHillary Clinton's own Saturn in her birth chart is right by the cusp to the 10th House. It tells her constantly that she should be the boss, and she is very quick to express her authority the moment she gets the job. It triggers her automatically and forcefully. She knows what to do with power.At the 2016 presidential election, Uranus in Aries is in a trine transit with her Saturn. That brings insights about how to proceed in a powerful way, how to seize power and keep it. It is sort of the instinct of a warrior. On the day of the election Uranus is moving retrograde, which gives Hillary some hesitation and makes her ponder things carefully. But that will change drastically by the end of the year. And in the beginning of February 2017, when the Uranus transit becomes exact, she is well on her way. She knows what to do and how to make it happen.
Perhaps a Stern RulerSo, astrology indicates quite strongly that Hillary Clinton will win the 2016 presidential election and then rule with a firm hand.But it's far from a sure thing. I haven't read the horoscopes of the other candidates — I don't even know which ones all of them are. Also, there is no sure way of seeing in the horoscope that it's the presidential election her above mentioned success is about. It could be something else, although it has to do with power over many. Therefore, considering the situation as we know it now, it is very likely to be about the presidency. Another question completely, is if Hillary Clinton will be a good president. Actually, I have my doubts. There is too much force and power involved in the astrological ingredients. She may turn out to be a stern ruler, maybe even a rude one. That's often costly to the people being ruled.
More Election HoroscopesYou can also check my readings of the Donald Trump and Mike Pence election horoscopes. As far as I can see, Hillary wins.
Getting It Kind of Wrong(January 22, 2017) As can be seen above, I got the result of the 2016 presidential election completely wrong. I was not alone making that error. Almost all polls predicted the same. Days before the election, Hillary Clinton had more than 80% chance of winning, according to several of them. As for what other astrologers predicted, some googling shows both candidates had been suggested, but Clinton more often than Trump.Indeed, the result of the election was a surprise to just about everyone except Donald Trump. Well, I suspect he was just as surprised, in spite of what he had claimed beforehand about his chances. And it was a contradictory result. Trump won the presidency, but Hillary the popular vote — with as much as three million more votes. So, in a way she definitely won. For her personally — and her fans — it may very well count as a victory of sorts. Furthermore, Trump's victory was what is called Pyrrhic. It was a brutal campaign and his reputation sure took a beating. It still does and there is little doubt it will continue. He might conclude that one more such victory would destroy him. Looking at Hillary Clinton's horoscope in hindsight, I realize that I was somewhat hesitant. Already the header states: "This time she has a good chance at becoming president." And a good chance she definitely had. Hey, she was widely declared the winner up until the election results came in. About Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, passing over her Neptune at the election, I wrote above: "Hillary Clinton wants to be the boss, and Jupiter over Neptune in sextile to Pluto and Mars gives her the opportunity. Not just the boss, but the boss she has dreamed to be." But I failed to consider properly that Neptune is the planet of dreams and fantasy. That should have made me wary regarding what the result of the actual election might be. She dreamed of being the boss, and that dream sure got a splendid run this time — but it was just a dream. And Jupiter quickly moved on, leaving her in the dark. I was quite accurate about the transit Jupiter effect on expectations: "This means that her success in the election is expected beforehand — but not long before. The weeks leading up to the election do point at it, but not until the very last week does it become obvious." It was, indeed. And still it turned out to be wrong. I even wrote: "But it's far from a sure thing." I must have had my subconscious doubts when writing the above prediction. I should have listened more to myself... So, although I was wrong I was kind of on the right track. I failed to draw the right conclusions from what the horoscope and the transits showed. That is the very crux of astrology. But I will definitely go on with my predictions, as long as I feel my mistakes are my own and not evident shortcomings of astrology.
New Donald Trump Horoscope Reading(January 22, 2017) I got it wrong about the presidential election, but that doesn't stop me from having another go at Donald Trump's horoscope — with his victory in mind. I try to see what is to be expected from his presidency, for him personally as well as for how he does the job. Click the header to read it.
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Stefan Stenudd![]() About meI'm a Swedish astrologer, author and historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. My personal website: