by Stefan Stenudd
Angelina Jolie's Health HoroscopeMedical Astrology 11![]()
Saturn has a square aspect to the powerful conjunction of MC and Jupiter in the 9th House and Aries — a conjunction that generally makes her able to intentionally accomplish great changes in her life, all of them for the better. But the square to Saturn introduces complications, so Angelina Jolie might have a skin condition that can get triggered by drastic changes she makes in her life, and this health issue sometimes risks standing in the way of such changes. But the conjunction of MC and Jupiter is too powerful to yield to Saturn in the 12th House. So, things work out every time, although Angelina Jolie might need to do some adaptions to the needs Saturn creates. Because MC, her self-awareness, is one of the planets in square to Saturn, she is probably reluctant to accept that weakness. This resistance of hers can cause increasing problems, especially at length.
This opposition can cause some Gemini type health issues — expressed in her breathing or speech. But the sextile to the 9th House makes this rather unlikely. Mars and the moon in that House also have a trine to Neptune, which releases the tension of the opposition, and explains it: In order to accomplish the big changes in her life, Angelina Jolie needs both her fame and her fantasies. The center of her horoscope is the 9th House, with its two powerful conjunctions. Change of an often adventurous nature is what drives her — and not fame. If she tries to hold that urge back, she will get severe headaches and a frustration that can escalate quite quickly.
Actually, apart from the skin problem, Angelina Jolie is quite healthy. That skin problem follows the cycles of Saturn, so it is intensified every 14 to 15 years, when transit Saturn moves into opposition and conjunction with it. Also, it may enter a new phase, maybe much more serious, when transit Pluto moves into opposition with it, which is in the year 2017.
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Stefan Stenudd![]() About meI'm a Swedish astrologer, author and historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. My personal website: