by Stefan Stenudd


NASDAQ Horoscope

Reading of the birth chart

Nasdaq complete horoscope chart.

(2001) A most interesting constellation on the Nasdaq horoscope, and therefore a good starting point, is the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in the beginning of Sagittarius and the 8th house.


Your Health in Your Horoscope. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Your Health in Your Horoscope

This book by Stefan Stenudd explains what your horoscope says about your health, according to the old tradition of medical astrology. The book contains a quick introduction to astrology, as well, and instructions on how to read a birth chart in general. Click the image to see the book (and Kindle ebook) at Amazon (paid link).

       Jupiter, the planet of riches, profit and expansion, is certainly essential in the chart of a stock exchange, whereas Neptune stands for fantasy, inspiration and dreams — something not unheard of in connection to riches. Their joining in a conjunction could easily be described as dreams of fortune.

Dreams of fortune

In Sagittarius, the sign of distance, breaking free and un attachment, almost a symbol of space itself, these dreams of fortune take on a rather extreme character. The dreams may not be realistic, but their perspectives are impressive — fortunes never before heard of, success in new fields and of a magnitude that would make king Midas green of envy. Essential is the circumstance that the dreams favor the new, the yet unexplored.

       The conjunction takes place at the start, the cusp, of the 8th house, which is the seat of magic, mystery, life and death — in general those things over which we have no control. To dream of finding one's riches in that domain, is risky indeed, and this risk is part of the charm of the dream. Even in one's dream one is aware of the possibility of losing all, but also of winning even beyond one's dream — so there is a chance of a gain so great, the risk of losing is worth taking.

       Sure, this is not the thinking of sound economy, but don't we all know how often it happens that dreams come true? This hope, then, is at the core of Nasdaq, almost its "raison d'être".

Joint ventures

The 8th house ingredient is additionally complex in Nasdaq's horoscope, since it is only one of the two planets in the conjunction, which is actually inside of the house, and that is Jupiter. Neptune is at the very end of the 7th house, which is the home of partnerships, joint ventures, and allies. This specifies the nature of the dream — that of joining forces with far off resources, distant counterparts, in ways that have not been possible before.

       A clear example of this is the starting point of Nasdaq: the linking into a network of some fifty stock exchange computers all over the USA.


       Neptune's dream, then, is one of integrating distant entities, in a new way, without the parts losing their separate identities in a fusion, but remaining kind of independent of each other. It is all done in a sense of novelty, of things belonging to the future and not the past — so Nasdaq's priority of hi tech shares is right within this framework.

       So is also the very basic concept of a stock exchange: different company shares traded on one and the same table, without the companies losing their independence to it — in a way not even being affected by it, at least not in their day-to-day activities.

Future riches

Jupiter, as stated above, is of central importance in anything monetary, so both its position in the horoscope and its continued orbiting around the earth and the Zodiac, should be studied in an astrological analysis of Nasdaq and its future. Here, though, its position in the horoscope will suffice — the moving Jupiter is observed in the forecast.


       At the very cusp , the starting point, of the 8th house, its character is clear from the very beginning of Nasdaq existence. It starts off as an expansive action in fields yet unexplored, or unexploited, with a definite aim at the far off future. Riches will come mainly if this initial perspective is followed. This also means daring to risk it all, to let go of profits secured.

Far-fetched but possible

As a financial project, this has all the traits of a challenge — all or nothing. An immediate and moderate success is of no value, this is more like throwing oneself into a black hole, in the hope of reappearing someplace fabulous. Yes, its aim is such that most people have to call it far-fetched.

       But Jupiter blossoms in Sagittarius, and this far-fetched vision is right up Neptune's alley, so this conjunction does in itself hold some promise. This might actually work out, though the odds seem to be against it. Not without trouble, though. Mars, the planet of conflict and aggression, awaits just some seven to eight degrees ahead, also in the 8th house.

Trouble ahead — constantly

The 30° of a house can be seen as a chain of events, within the field of life described by the house. So in this case, some time after the initial work is done in the spirit of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, suddenly there is trouble, needing the force of Mars.

       Threats come from the old system, the tradition, and circumstances belonging to what was before. The old ways interfere with these new perspectives, trying to tie them down, force them to conform.


       Nasdaq will always need to struggle for its independence, and more so to make its stock exchange adapt to the new world it assists in forming, instead of following the routines of old. This started already a few years after Nasdaq was formed, with quite a bang, and will always be threatening, like a predator luring in the bushes.

       In forecasting, therefore, it is rewarding to keep an eye on what planets move in on Mars, or in aspects to it. They will signal new conflicts and obstacles, but will also mean that the Nasdaq and its supporters charge — this is no passive victim.

Success formula

Its main resource in such battles is the sextile to Uranus in Libra and the 6th house, standing for insight into the logics of the workings of its own stock exchange. In Nasdaq and its structure, an impressive understanding of its field of business accumulates, becoming clearly defined and calculable.

       In Nasdaq, formulas for the intriguing workings of a stock exchange of this nature are developed and refined. A knowledge of how these things operate gets more and more trustworthy.

       Uranus being in retrograde, this insight is not exactly in the form of revolutionary breakthrough, no absolute control of what will happen next and why, but a general understanding that deepens and therefore increases the odds of successfully handling every upcoming situation, all the time improving. It is, in Libra, always a question of well defined theories and principles, analysis more than trial and error.


       Although this deepening understanding is sometimes so vague or complex, that even at Nasdaq there is a sense of disbelief toward it, it will again and again prove to help solve problems and conflicts arising when Mars is activated — also, it will be the impulse for Nasdaq itself, sometimes, to initiate a conflict, in an effort to break free of improductive ties or to reform systems which are holding the development back.

       This drama of the 8th house is in the domain of the unpredictable, of chance and fate, which makes it delicate indeed, definitely high-risk — but it seems all's well, that ends well. The house is ended by a benevolent Venus in Capricorn.

Happy endings

Venus is the creative energy of the horoscope, the pleasant force and satisfier. At the end of the house it clearly signals that no matter what storm precedes it, there will be good things at the end of every phase, every period, each series of events. It also shows that the time span which is the whole life of Nasdaq will have a pleasant outcome — a joyous death, if you will.

       Light at the end of the tunnel, and this light — possible to get a glimpse of, already at the start — might be what makes Nasdaq dare such provocative and risky measures.


       But the distance between Mars and Venus also shows that this success at the end may very well take some time — often longer than anyone expected.

       This is because of the difference between this distance and that of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction to Mars. The conjunction at the beginning of the house is the start of a vision, a project not without some megalomania, and soon enough the battle begins, when Mars is reached. But then there is quite some time before it has travelled all the way to Venus, at the end of the house, and thereby found its pleasant solution. Then there's time for a new vision, and a new battle.

Cyclic battles

This is the cyclic form of every "crusade" Nasdaq involves in, every project dealing with things which are fundamentally uncertain, their outcome seemingly in the dark: battle early on, and then after much longer than was expected, the happy ending.

       Additionally promising for an institution in the business of making fortunes, is Venus' position in Capricorn. This sign is one of construction, of building big and lasting things. Therefore, every war in which Nasdaq engages will end by increased resources, heightened importance and stability.

       It may very well be so, that at Nasdaq this is increasingly noticed, and battles are more and more initiated just to reach that outcome. A growing trust in the ability to win the wars and profit by them.

Trusted to persevere

Venus is linked by aspects to two other points of the horoscope — a trine to the ascendant and a square to Pluto, which give clues as to how the happy ending will be reached and what good effects it will have. The trine is a harmonious aspect, but the square a maleficent one.


       Starting with the good news, the ascendant in Taurus shows that although Nasdaq is at the front line of hi tech and futuristic ambition, it is perceived as a steady boat indeed, a trustworthy institution, pretty much from the start. Taurus gives it an impression of solidity, of having come to stay.

       Notice that the ascendant is what impression Nasdaq gives, not necessarily being the true one.

       This impression is enforced by Saturn almost in the middle of the 1st house, standing for duty, tradition and responsibility — all traits which clients expect to find in a stock exchange, certainly. As a stock exchange, then, Nasdaq gives confidence to its clients, although the stocks in focus are to a large extent not the most trustworthy ones.


       But that is not the point for Nasdaq, of course. No matter how unsafe the stocks exchanged may be, the institution where the commerce takes place must be trusted, and function without flaws. This, Nasdaq succeeds in convincing its clients of, and Saturn here tells that Nasdaq regards it as its duty to uphold this impression.

       This is stressed by the trine which links Saturn to Medium Coeli in Capricorn, ruling Nasdaq's — or rather its leaders' — self image.

Leadership focus

The leadership of Nasdaq is very well aware of the necessity to maintain the trust gained from the clients — actually they are much more aware of this, than of the avant garde and hi tech profile of Nasdaq. And rightly so, or they would be too eager to experiment with the institution.

       MC being in the middle of the 9th house, in Capricorn, states firmly that the executives and board regard Nasdaq as a steady, safe vehicle in a world which is changing.

       Now, the ascendant and the trust it attracts, is certainly gaining arguments every time Nasdaq ends a battle in sweet victory, shown by the trine to Venus, so their link is obvious. But it works the other way too: the venusian happy ending is helped along by the trust people have in Nasdaq, so that even when things seem to be irreparably lost, Nasdaq is trusted to somehow find the way, and with all this trust as a resource it does indeed find solutions.

       It is much easier to win, when regarded as a winner to begin with.

The only real threat

The square between Venus and Pluto is neither easy to explain, nor to live with. Pluto in the 5th house, at the very end of Virgo, is the only real threat to the sweet victory of Venus. In case it really goes wrong at the end, the explanation is surely to be found in relation to Pluto.

       This planet shows where the biggest and most drastic changes will appear, those that affect everything coming after them. The word metamorphosis is used about it, so the effect is profound and lasting. In the case of Nasdaq, though, Pluto is in retrograde and therefore more mild and nuanced than ordinarily. Still, it makes a good enough noise.


       The 5th house in a personal horoscope concerns spare time, what a person is doing for himself, and not for others. How he likes to spend his time off. In this horoscope of an institution, this is not exactly relevant — but what is relevant, very much, is the perspective outside of office hours.

The danger of time off

There is one field completely out of control of Nasdaq, no matter how refined its system gets: that of the time between the closing of the exchange and next day's opening of it. What happens those hours, Nasdaq can do nothing about. So this is where Pluto acts, bringing unforeseen tidings of vast effect, surprise and shockers. While Nasdaq is closed, things that happen can spiral and ascend to levels where the opening of the exchange becomes one of peril.

       And here is the real threat to the happy endings. No matter how well they are prepared or how certain they seem, solutions by the Venus ending of the 8th house can be completely destroyed by what happens outside of the exchange — when it is closed. Therefore, any trustworthy solution must have some kind of insurance against those hours of darkness, and this is not easy, nor is it ever certain.

       Since Pluto is at the end of Virgo, the problems are often of a technical nature, something going wrong, malfunctioning — not at all always at Nasdaq itself, but just as well somewhere else, but still having a profound effect on Nasdaq and its business.

Frustration leading to doubt

Also, the turn of events can in many cases be criticism, doubt or mistrust of some kind, expressed and rising between office hours, so that when the exchange starts, the damage is already done. Prognoses can be declared incorrect, solutions presented can be questioned and thereby lose their capacity to actually solve the mess. While the exchange is running according to plan, in the pause between closing and opening, doubt is still raised — sometimes just out of frustration of the exchange being out of reach — and this doubt leads to the next day's exchange becoming disturbed, sometimes chaotic.

       The only permanent solution to this weakness would, of course, be to keep the exchange open 24 hours — seven days a week.

       In forecasting events, planets passing Pluto or positions in aspect to it, must be observed. When Pluto is strengthened by such transiting planets, and Venus is not, then it is likely that even formidable venusian solutions to long-waged wars of some kind, will be done away with by surprises happening outside of business hours.

New initiatives

However, Pluto is in the horoscope linked with a sextile to the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction at the start of the 8th house, which means that although its workings may sabotage the solutions prepared by Venus, its actions are at the same time stimulating new adventurous initiatives from Jupiter-Neptune. So, here is another cycle, a quicker one, taking place in between the "warring" cycles of the 8th house described above.

Sextile aspect

       The full pattern of events in this combinations of two separate cycles would be something like this:

  • Surprising changes take place out of control of Nasdaq — usually when the exchange is closed.
  • These changes give birth to far-fetched ideas of what reforms to introduce to avoid such things in the future, or to take advantage of them.
  • Shortly, complications arise, needing hard struggle to get through, sometimes what could be described as wars of sorts.
  • Only after a long time of unclarity does a solution present itself.
  • The solution might work well — mostly — but never without some interference from circumstances outside of Nasdaq's control, and on some occasions the solution pretty much fails — although softening the damages.
  • The reason behind the failure inspires Nasdaq to commence with new reforms and new ventures with a visionary perspective to them. And so forth.

A system of links

Pluto and the conjunction are connected in another way, too, complicating matters in an intriguing way. They share aspects with the moon and Mercury, holding another key role in the fate of Nasdaq.

       With the moon Jupiter-Neptune has a trine and Pluto a sextile, whereas to Mercury it's the other way around. Furthermore, the moon and Mercury are linked with an opposition, the only troublesome aspect of them all.


       The silvery moon is traditionally connected to money matters, though not such a lot of money as can be the case with Jupiter. Still, money. At the end of the 3rd house and the very beginning of Leo, the moon of Nasdaq tells of a longing for dominance in the field of colleagues — that is among stock exchanges and finance operators.

       This longing grows slowly, each year the Nasdaq exists, but it can be traced back to the beginning. Still, the relation to the colleagues is fine, one of camaraderie and mutual support, so the wars that Nasdaq engages in is rarely against a colleague, not even when it's a competitor. Within Nasdaq, though, there is some impatience with the fact that the institution is regarded as solid, to the extent where nobody expects it to make a noise or claim a more central role.

       Although the whole world follows the transactions taking place at Nasdaq, it does so with the firm conviction that Nasdaq is merely the table where all these shares change hands, back and forth, a passive instrument, not much more than a room — if essentially virtual. There is a longing within the Nasdaq institution to make more of a mark, to be raised to a position of active leadership.

Making trouble for itself

But this longing is not spoken out loud. Instead, it can sometimes cause irrational behavior within Nasdaq, which gets rumors going, leading to caution or critique from its clients and surroundings. This is what the sextile to Pluto causes. Actually, it happens now and then that Nasdaq is — more or less intentionally, always indirectly — initiating thoughts of doubt as to its working, just to remind everybody of its importance.

       When everything works fine, nobody gives it a thought, but in moments of trouble — then all are made aware of how dependent they are of it. So Nasdaq secretly enjoys it, when threats to itself appear and scare their clients, the business and all.

       This would seem self-destructive of sorts, but the moon's trine to Jupiter-Neptune shows that it is in this ambiguous melting pot that ideas are born, new perspectives envisioned. Nasdaq needs these dynamics, although hazardous, to keep going and improving itself. So this is not a bad thing, after all, but an internal Darwinism: polishing and developing oneself by overcoming self-induced difficulties. Also, it gives a satisfying sense of control — to be instrumental in one's defeats as well as in one's victories.

       Again, this is going on behind the scenes, to the extent that even at Nasdaq people are not aware of this scheming of theirs.

Explaining the future

Mercury, in the 180° opposition to the moon, works in an opposing direction, not possible to combine with the workings of the moon. They sort of take turns, in an everlasting conflict, much like a tug-of-war.

       Mercury, the planet of communication, is at the end of the 9th house and the beginning of Aquarius. This is a position where movement and change is just about to settle into a new sound order, a distance has been traversed and it is time to halt, and contemplate the new situation. Here, Nasdaq's Mercury gets outspoken and makes an impression for being able to voice what's up, to express what to others is still unclear.


       In its daily activities, this ability of Nasdaq is continuous — to speak the tongue of the future, to explain how to adapt and what to make of it, just as it happens, as well as what will happen next. One could say that the language of Nasdaq is that of the future — or a future, the one of Nasdaq's field of business.

       The future as a whole is, of course, just as diverse and complex as the present.

       The Nasdaq social role of explaining what others are just starting to perceive, is contradictory to its longing for a more dominating, almost revered position — the moon at its opposite. Nasdaq may speak — fluently — for the future, but it does so not as a mighty sovereign leading people to it, but as an expert, using its skills to predict it. The role of the expert is never that of the leader, whatever Plato might have dreamed of. When Nasdaq willingly spreads its knowledge, its authority is diminished at the same pace.

       Only by keeping secrets can one use them to one's own advantage.

Disturbingly outspoken

The trine to Pluto shows that this outspokenness still raises doubt in others, an unwillingness to be convinced — which seems to come pretty naturally to the ignorant, especially in cases of distant perspectives or new situations. Sometimes they buy it, sometimes not — but always there is unrest.

       What Nasdaq has to say is not easily accepted, nor conformed to. This flow of information causes worry, and although changes will come they will not always be in the direction pointed out by Nasdaq — but still, Nasdaq will easily be able to adapt to them.

       So both Mercury and the moon stimulate the trouble caused by Pluto. Both outspokenness and discretion cause distress, calamity. And they both aspire to do so, though completely in disagreement with each other.

       Mercury's stimulating sextile to Jupiter-Neptune has an obvious effect. The Mercuric analysis of the novel present as well as the future, is excellent stimulation for the ideas and visions born in the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune. Reciprocally, the initiatives of the conjunction are observed and pondered by Mercury, leading to its increased understanding of what is to come and why and how.

Square aspect

       Just as its counterpart the moon, Mercury is in square to the ascendant, signifying a conflict between the two. The outspokenness does not conform with the solid and consistent impression Nasdaq gives to its clients and surroundings. They may perceive it as little more than noise in the background, not to listen closely to.

       For Nasdaq this can sometimes be very frustrating — being unable to really show its far-reaching understanding. It is indeed a struggle, if Nasdaq shall be able to win respect not just for its stability, but for its progressiveness. This is by many not expected from Nasdaq, and what they don't expect, they tend not to see.

       While Nasdaq is moving quickly in line with the progress of society, not to say in advance of it, it is generally assumed to be standing still. That is what is needed of a stock exchange, to a large extent, but for Nasdaq it is sometimes a ball and chain.

Finally, the sun

The sun is of fundamental importance in any horoscope, although not so much so, that it would be at all adequate to describe someone or something by its sun sign only. Sometimes the sun can be next to invisible in a character, expressing instead the other planetary forces with such magnitude, the sun is so to speak eclipsed.

       Therefore, at times of calm, when not engaging in something particular, is where a person as well as an institution expresses the sun most clearly.

       That would for Nasdaq mean, for example, that its sun is the most obvious and instrumental, when the stock exchange is closed, also in fields outside of its immediate concern.


       Its sun being situated in Aquarius and the 10th house, approximately in the middle of them both, Nasdaq then shows a significant importance in society — one of expertise, of deep knowledge and authority in its field — pretty much what Nasdaq with its moon hopes for, but not with the power connected to it, as stated above.

       The expert is given no power, apart from that of the weight of his opinion.

       This high position of the sun marks what deep respect Nasdaq is given, especially by people and institutions working in other fields than that of its own business. For example, politicians feel bound to pay close attention to what signals Nasdaq sends out.

       In the business community, Nasdaq has a leading role, for sure, but not one where it is regarded as a leader, really. Instead, what takes place at the Nasdaq stock exchange is carefully analyzed and used as arguments for what decisions to take — but never allowing Nasdaq to make the decisions or even participate in them.

Divining instrument

It is used somewhat like a divining instrument of old. When its exchange is closed for the day, the entire business community ponders how the day's events at Nasdaq should be interpreted, and what measures would be wise in line with it. The same is true for the intense morning hours before it opens.

       But when Nasdaq's exchange is rolling, not much thought is given to what takes place in it. Things go too fast, or defy analysis because of the thrill of it all.

       Only in the peace following its closing, is there again time for trying to understand what patterns of cause and effect were at work. And then, Nasdaq is regarded as a particularly sharp magnifying glass, showing what is true for the whole world, not just for this particular stock exchange.

       And this view of Nasdaq goes so far as to contain the notion that to understand the workings of Nasdaq is to be able to rule the world, or at least to own it — which may or may not be the same thing.

       This way, one can say that Nasdaq is a kind of ruler — indirectly.

Sort of censored

The only aspect the sun has is a square to Saturn in the 1st house. This means that the knowledgeable dominance of the sun, is partly contradicted, sort of censored, by the strong sense of duty to stay solid and intact, which is Saturn.

       The one digs deep into the complications of it all, the other simplifies. One shines through the tangles, to make them transparent and thereby revealing the core, the bottom line, whereas the other conceals or propagates down-to-earth explanations, not to cause distress. The former dominates when Nasdaq is closed, the latter when it is open.

       That is why the leadership of Nasdaq is more aware of its Saturn expression, sticking to it not to scare the clients, and fails to make use of the sun, the profound, highly respected knowledge Nasdaq actually has reached.

       Were Nasdaq able to make good use of its sun — by being active also the hours it is closed — it would indeed start to grow as powerful as it longs to be. But then, it would also raise its enemies against it, and the outcome of it might not be advantageous to Nasdaq. That's the weakness of power: it is not secure.

       No, Nasdaq goes on to play a part in society, which is far greater than it is itself able to exploit.


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Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Card Meanings. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the old Tarot deck of cards with a free online divination. How to use the Tarot and what each card means.

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I Ching Online. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the ancient Chinese divination online for free. The 64 hexagrams of I Ching, The Book of Change, and what they mean in divination.

Stefan Stenudd

Stefan Stenudd, Swedish author of fiction and non-fiction.

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I'm a Swedish astrologer, author and historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. My personal website:

© Stefan Stenudd