by Stefan Stenudd


NASDAQ Horoscope

Astrology Forecast for 2001

The Nasdaq complete horoscope with transits on the first business day of 2001, January 2 at 9.30 AM.
The Nasdaq complete horoscope with transits on the first business day of 2001, January 2 at 9.30 AM.

(January 27, 2001) In astrology, there are two major ways of forecasting. First and foremost is the interpretation of the birth horoscope, which shows what are the tendencies and the general character for a whole lifetime. For Nasdaq this is done in the previous pages.


Your Health in Your Horoscope. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Your Health in Your Horoscope

This book by Stefan Stenudd explains what your horoscope says about your health, according to the old tradition of medical astrology. The book contains a quick introduction to astrology, as well, and instructions on how to read a birth chart in general. Click the image to see the book (and Kindle ebook) at Amazon (paid link).

       The second method is that of transits, where the continued planetary movements are compared to the planets of the birth horoscope, with special attention to when the transiting planets form certain angles, aspects, with those of the birth horoscope. In a forecast for a limited time, like this of the year 2001, the latter method dominates — but not without paying close attention to what is laid out by the birth horoscope itself.

       The following is, mostly, derived from the transits taking place during 2001.

Looking back at 2000

We start, though, with some words about the past year, the events of which have impact also on 2001 — especially its first quarter.

       At the first market day of 2000, Venus was passing over the Neptune-Jupiter conjunction of the Nasdaq horoscope, as did Pluto over its Mars. This lead to an extremely contradictory development of the exchange.


       Venus created an increase full of joy and positivism, in the beginning of the year, making the future look as bright as day — and everlasting. But later on in the year, according to astrological measurements early April and on, there was a dramatic change of severe proportions, leading to a number of problems, needing a lot of struggle.

March and April 2000

The heavenly bodies involved in this, Pluto and Mars, are two maleficent planets, and when meeting they are threatening indeed. Naturally, their doing did set the scene for the rest of the year 2000, from April on. Most evident of their effect was the drastic devaluation of those stocks being in focus at Nasdaq, that is primarily IT.

       This was accompanied in April by a general realization in society, as to the vast importance of Nasdaq and the field of business it focuses on — the IT sector. Uranus passed over the sun in Nasdaq's horoscope at the end of March, leading to sudden insight into the social significance of Nasdaq and what it represents, an insight spreading in society.

       This insight in March and April also meant an understanding of the seriousness of the situation, that the world had become quite dependent upon the IT sector and its stock market. A reaction had to follow, a revolt against this blind dependence. So, the decline in value of the whole IT field, was a result of this realization, of society as a whole reexamining the IT market, arriving at new conclusions — and also, an awakening wish to put a stop to this explosive development out of anyone's control.

       So, the fall of those stocks was a result of analysis and a definite will to "burst the bubble".


       The same period, April 2000, Saturn made a conjunction with Nasdaq's Saturn. This Saturnian return is always a time of serenity, of difficulty and strain. Nasdaq, having its Saturn in the first house and Taurus, was thereby recognized again and more forcefully, for its heavy impact on society, its weight and importance. Something which is certain to provoke, and to lead to counter measures. Nasdaq was, simply put, in a position where everyone wanted it to fail.

Failure leading to victory

What the transit conjunction of Pluto to Mars astrologically means is a drastic, complete change under dramatic circumstances, escalating that "battle" of which much has been said in the Nasdaq horoscope interpretation.

       Nasdaq is fighting to break free of old traditions, and to set new goals for the future of big finance. When Pluto enters into this, the fight intensifies, the drama escalates, and with so much violent forces at hand, it seems no good can come out of it. But this is a conjunction, not for example an opposition, so the dramatic events lead at length to victory for Nasdaq — although costly. Many things have to be given up, in order to achieve the independence sought after, the new perspectives dreamed of.

       The mechanics of fate often work in this paradoxical way — what seems to be a lost battle, ultimately leads to a great victory, much greater, even, than initially dreamed of.


       But the Pluto conjunctional passing over Jupiter took some time, from start to finish. It was initiated already early in 1999, around the month of February, and has been active — sort of coming and going — until the end of 2000, its power fading away slowly after September.

       Never again will Nasdaq see such drama in its battles, such fundamental threats to its very existence — at least not for about 250 years, since that is the time it takes for Pluto to return to that same position.

       Well, in about half that time span, there will be an opposition between Nasdaq's Mars and Pluto, signalling a battle that Nasdaq will lose — but that's way beyond the scope of this forecast.

       We settle by deducting that the drastic drop on IT-stock from the spring of 2000 and all through the year, was caused by Pluto's passage, and this means that the crisis it caused could sometimes feel like doom approaching Nasdaq itself, but in the long run, this period will prove to have made Nasdaq stronger, more important — well, a winner.

Values dropping, money fleeing

Another transit in 2000 worth mentioning, was the opposition of Jupiter to Jupiter of the Nasdaq horoscope. This aspect means that profit and financial success is hindered by financial events going quite the opposite way — money leaving Nasdaq instead of being pumped into it, investments going sour and scaring investors away to other markets.

       This aspect had one of its peaks by the 19th of December, when Alan Greenspan did not lower the interest rate, causing increased pessimism in Nasdaq and in relation particularly to the IT stocks, already at a record low.

       Due to the relative retrograde motion of the planets, Jupiter's opposition to itself takes a few turns. In this period, it first appeared in the middle of July 2000, causing a lot of money to leave the Nasdaq sphere, and values there to drop. Its influence remains until the beginning of March 2001, after which it will rather quickly dissolve and business can resume levels it had before the July drop — and then some.


       Jupiter makes a complete orb in twelve years, so a similar situation appeared in August 1988 to April 1989, but without the severity and drama added by Pluto conjunct Nasdaq's Mars, and it will return in June 2012, where it will not last very much longer than that month — again without Pluto adding terror to it.

       To a stock exchange, Jupiter is of huge importance, since it rules riches, expansion, success and profit. When opposed by itself, these matters are hindered, and when conjunct they are stimulated beyond normal — a real hausse, with lasting outcome.

       The last conjunction was in December 1994, stimulating the Nasdaq stock exchange at the end of the month, in particular, but quickly fading after the New Year. It will return in December 2006, this time more at the beginning than the end of that month, the peak of its positive effect to be gone even before the New Year.

2001: turning point of March 6 and 7

As I write this, in January 2001, I do not have to look at the stars to see that Nasdaq has a lot of recovering to do, before being healed of the year 2000 malady — Nasdaq's own Y2K.

       Great expectation is focused on the last day of the month, when Alan Greenspan and the FED may or may not lower the interest rate. Astrologically, though, that time seems to be of little significance to Nasdaq. This might indicate FED deciding not to lower the rate, or at least not sufficiently.

       The date to wait for is, instead, the 6th of March 2001, when Jupiter peaks in its opposition to Nasdaq's Jupiter — after that to leave the aspect, its bad effects thereby to wear off. Around that date, then, there will be increased problems — money leaving the Nasdaq stock exchange, values dropping, losses caused — not just on the 6th, but around that date.


       This is intensified by Mars at that period being conjunct to Nasdaq's Mars, peaking on March 7th, escalating the battles Nasdaq seems constantly to be involving itself in — the action and adventure taking place on its stock exchange. Threats need to be fought, strength needs to be found and utilized.

       It is not a battle as severe and seemingly fatal, as the one of the year 2000, but nevertheless a noisy and dramatic one. Then again, it passes quickly.

       Since it is centered on a date just one day after that of Jupiter's peak, this will certainly be a very tumulus week, but already the next week things will quiet down and improve. Nasdaq will by that time have won, being able to leave the year-long crisis behind, resuming perspectives of a most prosperous future.

       There are, of course, other complications — coming and going, up and down, or the stock exchange would not work at all — but none as severe as the ones of 2000 until March 2001.

May 2001 obstacles

One obstacle arrives with Saturn opposing Nasdaq's Neptune and Jupiter in the spring of 2001 and on. The peak of the opposition to Jupiter has come on May 21, but its effect is not as precise — it will be felt several weeks around that date.


       What it means is that duties are introduced into the Nasdaq stock exchange, demands of order and responsibility in regard to the values handled at Nasdaq — and these will make obstacles for the continued growth and profits. Some kind of control, of restrain, which might help to secure the vast fortunes handled in Nasdaq — at least, that's what everybody says — but also, it makes the future look a bit more gloomy.

       The new rules and responsibilities introduced, will at first effect the stock values negatively, but soon things will be back to normal — but in accordance with the new routines, which will also remain.

       Actually, something similar happened in 1971, the very first year of Nasdaq's existence, starting in July, being reconsidered in November, and finally established for good in April 1972. The historically enlightened might know what that was, and is thereby given clues as to what kind of thing to expect in May of 2001. It will be similar, but certainly not exactly the same thing.

Widespread understanding

Finally, something more must be said about the conjunction Uranus makes with Nasdaq's sun, also mentioned above in commenting last year. This aspect had its first peak in mid March 2000, retreating somewhat in early August that same year, as if the realizations made were to be denied. But in the first half of January 2001 everything was taken to its conclusion.


       Insights, deep understandings of the Nasdaq stock exchange workings and the major businesses involved, were reached. The analysis had been going on since March 2000, and by January 2001 all the knowledge assembled has surpassed with wide margins what had been known before.

       It is so to speak with opened eyes Nasdaq proceeds from this time on. Genuine surprises will be rare, misunderstandings will be few, as will miscalculations. Nasdaq and its dynamics is more transparent than ever before, to those involved in it and those for whom it has some importance — pretty much all of society, actually. This understanding is, therefore, more widespread than ever before, making Nasdaq increasingly famous.

       Since knowledge stimulates interest, the widely spread awareness of Nasdaq and its importance in society will lead to an increased involvement in its events and affairs. The general public will be curious about what goes on in there, and the media will continue to follow Nasdaq at least as closely as they have been doing during the past dramatic year.

       Nasdaq will — much to the liking of its leadership — have a place in the general awareness of society as a whole. It will be an entity always considered, when looking at the processes of society.

       Uranus is a slow planet, taking some 84 years to complete its orb, so this conjunction with Nasdaq's sun is a first. Uranus will not have a conjunction with any other planetary position in Nasdaq's horoscope, until it meets with the ascendant in 2019.

Summing up

Summing up Nasdaq's prospects for 2001 in a sentence: Shaky until the beginning of March, after which it will quickly get better and have a good rest of the year, apart for some gloom in May, not really being reason for alarm.

January 27, 2001
Stefan Stenudd

I will not change the text in any way, so that the reader will be able to check out just how well I did in my forecasting, as time moves on. One has to be a good sport, you know.

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Click the image to see the book at Amazon (paid link).

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Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Card Meanings. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the old Tarot deck of cards with a free online divination. How to use the Tarot and what each card means.

I Ching Online

I Ching Online. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the ancient Chinese divination online for free. The 64 hexagrams of I Ching, The Book of Change, and what they mean in divination.

Stefan Stenudd

Stefan Stenudd, Swedish author of fiction and non-fiction.

About me

I'm a Swedish astrologer, author and historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. My personal website:

© Stefan Stenudd