by Stefan Stenudd
First House in the Complete HoroscopeYour Identity in Classical AstrologyThe immediate appearance of the personality intended, slowly penetrated by the observer.
It's a dynamic thing. At first, people perceive you according to your Ascendant, the "role you play", but immediately after that they start to form their own opinions. This takes them further on in the 1st House.
Zodiac sign and PlanetSo, if the House changes Zodiac sign somewhere in its span, or if planets appear later on in it, that means people who have gotten to know you change their impression of you by time. They will experience it as "revealing" your true nature, but actually they simply see another ingredient in your identity.Of course, it also happens that your outer appearance can change once or several times in your life. This is likely if your House is split between two Zodiac signs, also if it contains a planet. If it's Pluto, your change will be dramatic and surprising. If it's Pluto your change will take an effort on your part. If it's Venus, on the other hand, your change will be smooth and pleasant, probably frequent, too — but not as frequent as if Jupiter is in your 1st House. Here are simple keywords as to how people will perceive you, depending on what Zodiac sign you have in the 1st House:
Here are keywords for how people perceive you if you have a planet in your 1st House:
The keywords are just simple clues to understand the 1st House. You need to consider the whole before deciding on the meaning of one single ingredient.
AspectsThe 1st House has the following aspect relations to other Houses:
These relations between the Houses are quite important when analyzing their influence. The opposition aspect to the 7th House, which regards partnerships, is evident: you cannot think about yourself at the same time as you think about your partner. One or the other. The trines to the 5th House, that of leisure, and the 9th, about travel and change, show that your identity and how people perceive you is a resource in these other fields of your life — and vice versa. The squares to the 4th House, home and family, and the 10th House, career, show that these fields of life are partly conflicted. When you concentrate on your own image your family will probably be neglected accordingly, and you career usually demands of you to keep your attitude in some kind of restraint. The interests of these House are sort of competing, but contrary to the opposition it's possible to find solutions where none is at the cost of the other. The sextile with the 3rd House, friends, and the 11th House, which is the big social arena, shows that these House stimulate one another. It's with your friends you express your identity and it's in the big social scene that your image can do you a world of good.
The HousesHere are the twelve Houses of the horoscope, with links to the webpage of each:
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Stefan Stenudd![]() About meI'm a Swedish astrologer, author and historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. My personal website: