by Stefan Stenudd
Mundane Pluto in Each Zodiac SignThe Planet Pluto in the World Horoscope 3![]() Here are the twelve Zodiac signs and how Pluto affects society in each of them.
AriesExtremist activismPluto in Aries challenges the ambiguity of the Pisces phase, daring new directions although uncertain. Order is threatened, borders are crossed. Initiatives often lack considerations as well as lasting effects.29 years in the sign.
TaurusConservative materialismPluto in Taurus settles the unrest of the Aries phase. Here the established order is cemented, focus turns toward economic stability and lasting prosperity.32 years in the sign.
GeminiReformist intellectualismPluto in Gemini enters change and a sense of adventure, after the calm of the Taurus phase. New thinking is awakened, experiments and debate flourish, although not much leads to lasting results.30 years in the sign.
CancerExtremist emotionalismPluto in Cancer brings consideration to the careless Gemini phase. Sentiment triumphs over reason, common needs over common sense, and what feels right overweighs what seems right.25 years in the sign.
LeoConservative activismPluto in Leo turns the emotional dogma of the Cancer phase into rules for the oppression of the masses and the exaltation of those in power. Hierarchies are fortified and leaders glorified.18 years in the sign.
VirgoReformist materialismPluto in Virgo questions the authorities of the Leo phase, scrutinizing rigid orders and replacing them with more practical structures. Investigations lead to readjustments, power is decentralized.15 years in the sign.
LibraExtremist intellectualismPluto in Libra gives birth to principles opposing the pragmatism of the Virgo phase. Agitation arises, always with justice as the strongest argument, and a social equilibrium as the goal for all.12 years in the sign.
ScorpioConservative emotionalismPluto in Scorpio threatens to break the all too abstract order, which people had to conform to in the Libra phase. Rules are questioned and secretly ignored, social unrest is felt and suppressed by authorities.11 years in the sign.
SagittariusReformist activismPluto in Sagittarius releases the tensions built up in the Scorpio phase. Rebellion against the old order, liberation from old incarcerations. Contracts and traditions are broken, new paths found and followed.13 years in the sign.
CapricornExtremist materialismPluto in Capricorn returns firm order to the restless phase of Sagittarius. With fresh systems in operation, huge projects are pursued, investments made, new lands explored as well as exploited.16 years in the sign.
AquariusConservative intellectualismPluto in Aquarius halts the forceful expansion of the Capricorn phase, to reflect upon its consequences and learn to adjust to all that, which is new. To properly utilize what is, so as not to waste it.20 years in the sign.
PiscesReformist emotionalismPluto in Pisces expresses the unease from revelations made in the phase of Aquarius. Alienation replaces complacency, weakening any system of values. Trial leads to error, confusion to inconsistency.25 years in the sign.
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AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgo |
LibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPisces |