by Stefan Stenudd


Testing the USA Horoscope Chart on the 20th and 21st Centuries

The USA Complete Horoscope 6

USA horoscope.
The USA horoscope for July 4, 1776, at 11:15 AM. Click the image so see the enlarged chart.

Here I test the USA horoscope on some significant events in the 20th and 21st centuries of US history. It's a way to check if the supposed birth time of the USA is the right one.


Your Health in Your Horoscope. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Your Health in Your Horoscope

This book by Stefan Stenudd explains what your horoscope says about your health, according to the old tradition of medical astrology. The book contains a quick introduction to astrology, as well, and instructions on how to read a birth chart in general. Click the image to see the book (and Kindle ebook) at Amazon (paid link).

World War I 1917

On the 6th of April 1917, about three years after the start of it, the USA entered World War I. At that moment, there were several severe transits to the US horoscope, the most important of them being:

  • Transit Pluto is at the very central position between MC and Venus near the cusp of the 10th house, where Uranus was at the end of slavery. Pluto being more dramatic and threatening, this time there is a grim side to what commences, but still the position signals a new era, where the USA will have a dominant position, and the decisions of its government will affect much more than its own nation.

  • Transit Saturn forms a near precise conjunction with Mercury in the 10th house, again stressing the grimness of the situation, where the nation and its leadership is obliged to speak and act with a firmness and solemnness not really to its liking. The square to transit Mercury in the 7th house shows also that this new firmness of the USA creates some complications, not to say quarrel, with its allies — no nation is ready to compromise or to see beyond its own committment, which is certainly toward its own people.

  • Transit Mars in the 7th house also speaks of the dramatic alliance and its martial character. The near to exact sextile with Uranus in the 9th house points out the international perspective of this alliance, and the far reaching effects of it. The trine to the moon node in the 11th house indicates that the alliance, although one of war, will have a long lasting, positive influence on the USA and its position in the international community.

  • Transit Uranus in a conjunction with the moon in the 5th house shows that the US entry into the war will give its people a new perspective on the role of the USA in the world, and the reason for committment on a global scale — realizing that national isolation is no longer an option.
       The transits show that the event is dramatic and grim, but also that it signals a new influence of the USA in the world — growing from being regarded as little more than the former colonies, into a mighty force in the world.

Wall Street crash 1929

When Wall Street crashed, on the 24th of October 1929, the so called Black Thursday, this was to some extent the collapse of the pure capitalistic economic order — since then governments have always, to differing degrees, used their power to balance the turmoil of the financial world.

       Considering this significance of the date, it is surprising to find the transits speaking more of complexity and intricate change, than of drama and catastrophe. There are no opposition aspects, nor any conjunctions — but a bundle of the weaker ones: trine, square and sextile. I guess it is in line with the true nature and mechanics of modern economy: no singularities, but always a web of mixed directions, of mutual influences being so vague that they are mostly altogether unforeseeable. The most important transits are:

  • Transit Mars in the 2nd house is in an almost precise trine with the sun in the 10th, pointing out that dramatic, violent events in the field of domestic economy is demonstrating clearly the US influence on the world — the crisis begins but does not stay within the nation's borders.

  • Transit Neptune, entering the 12th house, is in a close sextile with Venus in the 10th house, showing that a sort of nightmarish situation, a vision of great sacrifice, inspires creative measures in society and its leaders. Neptune remains in the 12th house until the early 40s, which is how long this nightmare, this costly fear to a large extent causing the economic crash, remains in people's minds.

  • Transit Jupiter in the 9th house is in retrograde, of course — this is not a time of expansion and good fortune — and also it is in trine with Saturn in the 1st house. This actually shows that the "tough luck" is of help to the nation in furthering its determination, its principles and national discipline.

  • That the national government learns from this experience is also shown by transit Uranus in the 7th house forming a very close sextile to natal Uranus in the 9th, as well as a trine to the moon node in the 11th. The retrograde of transiting Uranus implies that the lesson is learned slowly, but then so well as to stimulate US influence on global economy and how it will be run.
       In conclusion, the crash on Wall Street was a lesson to be learned and gained from, although it took some time.

Pearl Harbor 1941

When Japanese airplanes started bombing the naval base of Pearl Harbor, at 07:53 AM on December 7, 1941, this pushed the USA into the second World War. Therefore, the transits of that moment should astrologically be compared to those of 1917 above, when the USA entered World War I. Still, the events differ tremendously in their nature — Pearl Harbor being a far more violent momentum. This is visible, but not strikingly so, in the transits, of which the most significant are:

  • Transit Mars in Aries and the 7th house, showing that aggression takes place in relation to another nation, is in a close opposition to Saturn in the 1st house — an obvious sign of an enemy to the face, the figure of the USA and what it stands for. The nation has been provoked and must respond.

  • Another close opposition is the transit moon in the 10th house versus Pluto in the 4th — not in itself a significant one, since it reappears once a month, but still stating that this event is causing unrest in the nation — an engagement in the big perspective, threatening to domestic life and security.

  • More exceptional is the very close trine from transit Uranus in the 8th house to Pluto in the 4th. The 8th house speaks of fatality, and Uranus shows that insight into the horrors of war on a new scale, will hit the people and make them aware of how fragile security is in this world.

  • Transit Saturn, also in the 8th house, is linked with a close sextile to Mercury in the 10th, also with an almost exact square to the moon in the 5th house. The serenity of death and the disasters of war will reach and affect the souls of Americans — in their privacy as well as in the social structure, in how the USA communicates and acts as a nation. The somber reality of the war is, through these two aspects, quickly adapted by both government and people — the former more quickly and readily than the latter, but not as deeply.

  • The close to precise trine between transit Venus on the cusp of the 5th house and the ascendant, is not a very unique aspect, but shows that the USA has no problem adjusting its attitude and official behavior to the situation, by the willing support of its population.
       So, the transits show a nation ready, although being hit with a surprise attack, and acting firmly on the situation. It is clear that the war involves the population to a larger extent than the first World War did.

Hiroshima 1945

The horoscope for the atom bomb attack on Hiroshima, the 6th of August 1945 at 08:15 in the morning, is strange in the simplicity of its aspects — two sextiles, one square and two very close conjunctions. Also the transits to the US horoscope show a similar simplicity: except for the conjunctions there is only one aspect — a square. Usually a horoscope has got a number of different aspects, with the orb I use of 4 degrees it is mostly more than ten. It is as if astrology itself had a moment of silence. But the few transit aspects do speak clearly:

  • The square is a very close one between transiting Venus on the cusp of the 10th house and the ascendant — actually speaking softly about a creative step taken by the US government, in accordance with its policy and gaining widespread respect for it. Only later on, the full horror of the bomb dawned on the world.

  • The same Venus is also forming a very near to exact conjunction with MC, again stating that this action was a joint decision of the US leadership, without much debate preceding it. All those participating in the decision seem to have been unanimous.

  • Transit Mars in a close conjunction with Uranus in the 9th house, indicates that the drastic action brought an insight with a far reaching perspective, having consequences way beyond the borders of the USA.

  • The transiting Pluto conjunction with the moon node in the 11th house is not as close as the above transits, Pluto having passed the exact point with some two degrees, which suggests that the bombing's consequences for the role of the USA in the world were initiated before the actual bombing — probably at the earlier time when it was prepared, or maybe when the bomb was successfully constructed (the exact conjunction was as far back as early July 1944). This means that even if the actual bombing would have been cancelled, the effect on the US role in world politics would have been similarly affected.

Hiroshima clock.

The clock of Hiroshima citizen Kengo Futagawa, stopped at the moment of the bombing.

       I believe that the major effect on the USA of the Hiroshima bomb was already when it was invented, and its horrifying power was discovered. The use of the bomb on Japanese cities, then, was largely a consequence of its being constructed, more than for strictly strategic reasons in the war against Japan.

Kennedy assassination 1963

The assasination of John F Kennedy on November 22 1963 in Dallas, was not the first killing of a president in office, nor by certainty the one most noted in US history — that of Abraham Lincoln in 1865 is at least equal in the effect it had on the nation. The Kennedy assasination, though, is certainly of almost mythical distinction in our time. Its impression on people in the USA and abroad seems not to falter much through the decades passing since it took place. The most important transits to the US horoscope are:

  • Transit Venus and Mars in the 3rd house together form a close opposition to natal Mars in the 9th, signalling a massive event affecting the whole population immediately, threatening to halt US development and political ambition. The nation, up to that moment victoriously moving on with its reform of society, pauses to reconsider and reevaluate — momentarily.

  • Transit Mercury, also in the 3rd house, is in close opposition to Uranus in the 9th, pretty much repeating what is stated by the above transit. The citizens of the nation — from children to the retired — are shaken in their trust in US progress, pondering if the direction the nation has moved with conviction is really the right one.

  • Even more significant is that transit Uranus in the 12th house is in a close square with natal Uranus in the 9th, which indicates that a grim lesson is learned here, an understanding awakens which changes the perspectives generally held on national development before. Certainty is ended and former theories are questioned. It is not exactly confusion, but a mistrust in what had until then been taken for granted.

  • The sextile between transit Pluto in the 12th house and the sun in the 10th, has passed its exact spot, but still shows a sudden necessity to stop a drastic change on its way. The halting of a dramatic process, or undoing of it, becomes essential to the continued safe government of the country. The assasination is sort of an alarm clock, warning the government not to push the nation into an even worse situation. And it demonstrates the vulnerability of the president.

  • A clue to what the other threat to the nation may have been, might be given by transit Jupiter in the 7th house forming a close sextile to Uranus in the 9th. The relation to some nation, or other ally or partner of the USA, is actually improved by the assasination — or rather by the insight reached in the USA because of it.
       In the transits it is clear that the killing of John Kennedy shocked the nation, but also that other political circumstances were at play — both before and after the assasination. The death of the president had implications and effects beyond the tragic death of one man, unto a vague political plane where national interests were threatened.

Man on the moon 1969

The world was holding its breath, when on July 21 1969 man landed on the moon, for the first time walking on another celestial body. The transits also show that the event is remarkable to the USA, winning the race to the moon right before the end of the decade. The most important transits are:

  • Transit Jupiter and Uranus are in close conjunction, right by the ascendant of the US horoscope, showing that this is a magnificent triumph for the USA, showing its resources and technical advancement with an indisputable shine to it.

  • The two transiting planets also have a square to MC in the 10th house, which indicates that to the government and leaders of the nation, this is not altogether positive — hardship and complications because of it are unavoidable, but bothering and visible mostly only to the leaders themselves.

  • Transit Pluto is in a conjunction with Neptune in the 12th house, causing that from this moment on, the dreams and visions of the nation have changed, making new far fetched goals replace old ones, and also new fears and nightmares become more vivid.

  • The ambiguous sides of the event are also shown by the transit sun and Mercury conjunction in the 10th house being in close opposition to natal Pluto in the 4th — revealing that this success of the nation is to some extent at the cost of the nation's general welfare and prosperity, the pleasant life of the population. Attention is turned away from their basic needs, and the people get a gnawing worry that they don't count to their leaders in comparison with the space program.

  • Transit Saturn in the 8th house has a square with the moon node in the 11th, also making cause for contemplation. A destination, a fate of the nation, is introduced with the moon landing, and it will have some damaging consequences to both the nation's further development in line with its ideology, and to its international relations. The perspectives introduced by this success of the space program have some less desirable sides, worrying also the international community.
       Of the transits there are no sextiles or trines, generally regarded as the positive ones. So, the moon landing was not just a festive event, but also a cause for concern and worry, both in the minds of the US population and other nations of the world. Once stepped upon, the moon became somewhat of a disappointment: what to do with it?

End of the Vietnam war 1973

On the 8th of January in 1973, the USA pulled out of Vietnam and thereby ended its many years of war with that country. This war had become a central symbol in the politics of both the government and the population, so the end of it had a partially different significance from how peace is usually perceived. Its most important transits are:

  • Transit retrograde Saturn in the 9th house is in an exact trine with natal Saturn in the 1st. When an aspect is this close, its importance is magnified, so there is no other transit of the same importance on this date. It indicates that a retreat, or rather liberation, from a distant obligation will heighten the reputation of the USA, and the pride its people feel toward the nation. It is also this pride, and a nationally confessed committment to principles of justice and order, which demands the retreat from Vietnam.

  • The transit Mercury in the 4th house close opposition to Jupiter in the 10th, explains that the population of the nation has increasingly protested against and criticized the war, demanding this resolution, and thereby weakened both the government and the expansion of its power.

  • Transit Uranus in the 1st house forms a close trine to the moon in the 5th, showing that this new direction of US policy is utterly pleasing to the well being of the citizens, creating both delight and a popular concern for the world and its dynamics, not before realized by that many.
       The US withdrawal from Vietnam is clearly a very positive thing, from what the transits tell. The only opposition shows that without the increased demands from the population, from regular Americans, their government would probably not have accepted this solution.

Watergate burglary 1972

The Watergate scandal contains two major dates — the start and the outcome. That is why I have grouped them together, although the above event, the end of the Vietnam war, actually happened between them. First was the actual burglary at the Watergate building, on the 17th of June in 1972, when at 01:47 AM a guard called the police. This was the beginning of the whole affair, at least from an astrological point of view. Its most important transits are:

Log book page of Watergate security guard Frank Willis on June 17th 1972, when he called the police about a burglary at 1:47 AM.

Log book page of Watergate security guard Frank Willis on June 17th 1972, when he called the police about a burglary at 1:47 AM.

  • Transit Uranus forms a close conjunction with Saturn in the 1st house, immediately indicating that ethics and morals are at focus here — and Uranus shows that there is a great lesson to be learned, with consequences in how the USA regards itself and is regarded by others. A realization that "something is rotten in the kingdom", and needs to be cleaned out. The transit also implies that from this event on, the nation will have become wiser and learns how to avoid a repetition of such foul play.

  • Transit Mars in the 10th house is in close sextile with Neptune in the 12th, showing that quite harsh and dramatic social events trigger people's fantasy and suspicions. The 12th house is that of matters hidden, under the surface, as well as the subconscious, that which is not outspoken — yes, secrets too. Mars opens the lid to that, revealing secrets to the public eye, as leaders and prominent officers of the nation take initiatives to get to the root of things.

  • It is significant, also, that several transits are on the way at this moment, showing that many events will follow, one after the other. Transit Mercury is quickly approaching the natal sun, which is a good image for discussion and debate focusing on the nation's highest leader. Then Mars will soon be conjunct to Mercury, also in the 10th house, whereby the lid is off, accusations flow, sparing no one, of whatever high office. Lastly, transit Pluto reaches the ascendant, and the nation will change its appearance, will transform in how it views itself and how it will in the future guard its guarantees for sound rulership. Pluto on the ascendant is a mighty transit, happening only once in about 250 years, so it is hard to see it come without a severe drama for the very highest representative of the nation.
       The transits show from the start that the nation needs to change fundamentally after this scandal. A trust in its leadership has been so severely shaken, only a firm resolve to prevent anything of the kind in the future, will help to restore it.

       The Pluto transit conjunction with the ascendant is exact in mid September the same year, then making a retrograding which does almost but not exactly touch the ascendant again. In June 1973 it goes forward again, to leave the vicinity of the ascendant. That is a little more than a year short of encompassing the period of the Watergate scandal — but to be more precise than that, cannot be demanded of such a slow moving planet.

Richard Nixon resignation 1974

The end of the prolonged drama of the Watergate scandal came on the 9th of August 1974, at 11:15 AM, when State Secretary Henry Kissinger received president Richard Nixon's written resignation. This was more than two years after the burglary. The transits of the time of Nixon's resignation are many, including several conjunctions, which is in itself an indication of a significant event. There is no opposition, which means that this is more of a solution than a new problem. The most important transits are:

Richard Nixon's letter of resignation, sent in accordance with procedure to State Secretary Henry Kissinger on August 9th, 1974.

Richard Nixon's letter of resignation, sent in accordance with procedure to State Secretary Henry Kissinger on August 9th, 1974.

  • Transit Uranus in the 1st house forms no conjunction, but its square to Mercury in the 10th house is exact, which makes this transit aspect the most important. It reveals that an insight, pretty much a revelation, regarding the nation's self image and stand on principles, causes a problem for the leadership. The government's arguments and reasoning cannot evade the necessary conclusion called for.

  • Native Mercury also has a close conjunction with transit Venus, stimulating a creative move from the leadership of the nation, a step which helps solve the problem. Without Venus in this position, Nixon would not have resigned, which would have forced the proper authorities to act instead.

  • Transit Uranus also has a close trine to the moon in the 5th house, indicating that this step is a release for all, relaxing the population and giving them insight into the political ethics the nation needs to express. The nation is pleased with the outcome.

  • Transit Saturn is in close conjunction with the sun in the 10th house, of which the latter was already in the Watergate burglary transit horoscope an indication of the president. Now, Saturn reaches him, forcing him to do his duty and accept the consequences of his actions.

  • Transit Mercury is in conjunction with the moon node in the 11th house, showing that the event is talked about all over the world, and also for the international community signifies a turning point as to how leadership in the USA is demanded to take responsibility for its actions.

  • This is seconded by transit Mercury's close sextile to Uranus in the 9th house, pointing out the lesson to be learned by US leadership as to what strategies it allows itself. The US government listens closely and adjusts its methods and ambitions.

  • The lesson for the government is evident also in the close square formed by transit Mars in the 12th house to Uranus in the 9th. The resignation is like a warning to every office of government in the nation — if the highest can fall, who cannot? And after it, it is prerogative that leaders use judgement and care when exercising their power. Their authority will be questioned, much more than previously.

  • The native moon node is also in a close trine with transit Neptune in the 3rd house, indicating that the impression of this event will continue to be talked about and contemplated in the nation, especially in its media and educations. It will serve as a constant reminder, and an example of the risks in the delegation of immense power to individuals. It will also help in the development of future principles of government.

  • Transit Pluto ha passed the ascendant with a few degrees, but forms a close square with Jupiter in the 10th house, showing that this whole affair, from beginning to outcome, has drastically changed US leadership, and the terms of it. New firm principles need to be obeyed, and the USA demonstrates it clearly, for all to see, from now on. Leaders of the nation are no longer free to exercise their powers as they please — rather, their authority is diminished, their ability to expand their influence is limited.
       The transits above show clearly that the nation has changed significantly after the Watergate scandal, in case of how its leadership is regulated, and what its government is to conform to. Simply put, a lot of power of the presidency as well as other high offices, has been taken away, or at least put into constant scrutiny — making it much more difficult for proceeding leaders to misuse their resources, not to mention getting away with it.

Stock "Black Monday" 1987

There is a lot of money dancing around at the stock market. Still, its significance to the USA and its horoscope can be doubted. The crash of 1929 is of a lasting historical significance, that's evident by now. On the 19th of October in 1987 the stock market had a slightly similar shock, when the Dow Jones index dropped 500 points, and the rest of the world's stock markets following shortly. Certainly, there was a recession, but just as certainly not nearly as tormenting to society as the one started in 1929.

       This stated, there is yet some importance in the 1987 stock drop. Ever since the world economy was repaired after the 1929 fall, there had been an unblemished belief in the stock value's continued rise, as if for infinity. That belief was severely shaken in 1987. The world realized that 1929 could be repeated, the possibility was not erased completely.

       So, even if the stock market shortly regained confidence — and an overly optimistic one at that — the 1987 shock has a remaining aftermath, an awareness or even anticipation in every bourse, which may for example have been instrumental in making the IT share fall commencing in April 2000 go on for so long — and so deep. The fear was awakened and did not completely go back to sleep. Capitalism is still very vulnerable.

       That makes good reason for an interpretation of the transits for the 1987 stock drop. The most important transits are:

  • Transit Neptune in the 4th house in a close opposition to Jupiter in the 10th, telling that the population as a whole is fearful, worried about its future prosperity, which is making it difficult for the government and the financial market to turn the pessimism around and start spending again. As Neptune is slow, this effect remains for some time, or it would have been a recession of only a few days or so.

  • Transit Jupiter, which is, as would be expected, in retrograde, has two aspects. One is a close square to Mercury in the 10th house, showing that there are misfortunes in the relations between two major bodies — in this case surely the government and the finance community — which cause problems for the leadership of the nation, especially in trying to convince the nation that everything really is fine with the economy. The other is a sextile to the moon in the 5th house, revealing that this drawback in government-fincance relations actually is pleasing to the public in some way — a sense that the population, as consumers, and not Wall Street is in reality decisive in how the economy will develop.

  • The natal moon is also in a very close sextile with transit Uranus in the 3rd house, showing again that the population is learning from the experience, understanding its own importance and starting to get some basic insight into the world of finance. So, from this point on, the American people feel they should know more about finance and its workings.

  • The good side to the stock drop, is also pointed out by the triple conjunction of transit Mercury, Venus and Pluto in the 2nd house, which rules economic matters, and the sun in the 10th. The 2nd house being in Scorpio clearly demonstrates drastic events in the field of economy, which the highest leadership is forced to act upon, gaining initiative and resources in the process. The presidency, especially, which seems to be what the sun in the US horoscope is all about, is gaining from the crisis — by being expected to act upon it.

  • Transit Mars in the 1st house is in a sextile with the moon node in the 11th, which is also a positive aspect, showing that the danger that the USA seems to face actually is for the benefit of the nation's continued development, and the way it is dealt with is giving international respect.
       There are no transit conjunctions at the time of the stock drop, which indicates that the bad effects of it will not be lasting long. Instead, there are several positive aspects, presented above, showing that the nation learns and improves from the experience. After 1987, the USA is better armed against something like what happened in 1929, and its population — the consumers — has taken upon itself to get some insight into the mechanics of finance, which also heightens the economic defense.

World Trade Center 2001

I am writing this text at the end of September 2001, so it is with hesitation I include the horror of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, on the 11th of this month, starting with the first airplane hitting one of the Twin Towers at 08:48 AM. Could I inspect and comment on the astrological aspects of it, without adding to the trauma and grief — including my own? Anything of this nature takes a long time to overcome, and maybe it would be best to wait for that future date with the astrological analysis, as well.

       But then I realized that I had myself quickly checked the astrological indications, and to me it was even somehow therapeutical. There is, indeed, hope in the horoscope too. So, why should I deny others the same choice? You decide if you want to read the below or not, maybe postpone the reading to a future date when hopefully the Manhattan skyline has repaired itself, and maybe ignore it completely. Here it is, then, at your discretion.

       Still, if you find the text offensive, upsetting or in any other way discomforting, please let me know and I will swiftly try to solve the matter — even if that will mean needing to erase the whole text.

       The horoscope for the attack on the World Trade Center is in itself severe enough, with four oppositions, and so forth — but the transits to the US horoscope show some hope and comfort too. The most important transits are:

  • Transit Mars, often involved in crisis and dramatic events, is at the cusp of the 4th house, showing that this time it will hit at home, on the domestic scene, and at civilians, innocent people. This being in Capricorn also points to buildings of magnitude.

  • Transit Mars also has a very close opposition to MC at the cusp of the 10th house, showing that the attack is a severe, uncompromising blow to US leadership, which must refuse to accept it, must take a stand to fight it to the core.

  • The square between transit Mars and the ascendant is practically exact, to the minute of a grade. This demonstrates that the USA is visibly, obviously damaged, its image to the world changed, and also it points out that the official USA, speaking as with one voice, will need to react.

  • Transit Mercury in close conjunction with Saturn in the 1st house, means that the discussion and initiative upon this blow is from an ethic standpoint, where principles and ideas of justice rule the action to follow.

  • The firm resolution of the US government and institutions of power is clear in the almost exact trine between transit Saturn in the 9th house and natal Saturn in the 1st. US governing bodies and their goals and strategies are mobilized, with a firm conviction to follow through according to just demands, as long as it takes. This Saturn aspect appears only once in about 30 years, so it is quite significant — also signalling that it will take time, and that politics will adapt guidelines which will remain as a part of US principles of government.

  • Transit retrograde Uranus in the 5th house has a close trine with Mars in the 9th, showing that the population is made aware of the severe situation, the sacrifice it will take to solve it, and just how complex a problem it is — thereby readily allowing the government powers to act strongly, with popular support even when it is costly.

  • Transit Jupiter is closing in on a conjunction with the sun in the 10th house, to be exact on the 22nd of September. This shows that the president is enriched with a lot of resources and additional capacity, to meet with the situation, and that this is a positive, successful move for the government of the nation.
       The most severe aspect of the horoscope for the attack itself, is the opposition between Pluto and Saturn, two malignant planets in a malignant aspect. But at the time of the attack this aspect was in the process of dissolving, Saturn moving away from it. Its exact date was already on August 5th. It could mean that this attack might have been in some way initiated at about that time, but it also means that it is not to be followed up — any time soon. Unfortunately, Saturn is about to go into retrograde, and will return to an opposition with Pluto on November 1st, later to turn again and make the same opposition in a forward movement on May 25th 2002. After that, it will not reappear for many years.

       This repetition of the Pluto-Saturn opposition may indicate that the problem revealed in the World Trade Center attack will remain central and risky until after May 2002, where it will finally slowly dissolve. Since the first and last passages of the opposition should be the strongest, there is some drama to be expected also around May 2002, and of course in between, though probably to a lesser extent.

       Neither Pluto nor Saturn in their oppositional position, have any transit aspects to the US horoscope, which indicates that it is unlikely that these tragic events will have a lasting, damaging effect on the nation. The terrorists are not able to hit the USA in any irreparable way, not even so that the nation is weakened significantly.

       Instead, it is clear in the transits above, that the USA mobilizes swiftly and in unity, gaining strength instead of losing it. And this additional strength seems to remain.



The USA Complete Horoscope


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Pisces Zodiac Sign



Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Card Meanings. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the old Tarot deck of cards with a free online divination. How to use the Tarot and what each card means.

I Ching Online

I Ching Online. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the ancient Chinese divination online for free. The 64 hexagrams of I Ching, The Book of Change, and what they mean in divination.

Stefan Stenudd

Stefan Stenudd, Swedish author of fiction and non-fiction.

About me

I'm a Swedish astrologer, author and historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. My personal website:

© Stefan Stenudd