by Stefan Stenudd


Your Health Horoscope

Wellness and Illness in Medical Astrology

Health Horoscope

Since ancient times, astrology and the horoscope have been used to track health problems and find ways to solve them. It is usually called medical astrology, or with a traditional term Iatromathematics (the math of curing).


Your Health in Your Horoscope. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Your Health in Your Horoscope

This book by Stefan Stenudd explains what your horoscope says about your health, according to the old tradition of medical astrology. The book contains a quick introduction to astrology, as well, and instructions on how to read a birth chart in general. Click the image to see the book (and Kindle ebook) at Amazon (paid link).

       Your horoscope gives several clues to your health and what you might do to improve problems you may have with it.

       There are four major factors at work in the horoscope, also when it comes to health indicators: the what, how, where, and why:

       Planets and similar points in the horoscope show what happens, what active power is at work.

       Zodiac signs show how the planets act, the characteristics of the event.

       Houses show where in one's life, in what environment, the planets act.

       Aspects, the special angles between planets, show why the planets act as they do.

       It's the same regarding your health horoscope.

       An obstructed planet can cause health problems linked to its own nature, and with the characteristics of the Zodiac sign the planet is in, usually in the body part governed by that Zodiac sign.

       Your health problem will be particularly influential and apparent in the environment of the House the planet is in, and the reason for the planet causing trouble is seen in the aspects it forms to other planets — either those of your birth chart, or planets in the sky that form transit aspects to those in your chart.

       That's really all you need to examine in your health horoscope. But of course, it takes some time to sort out and understand these variables correctly.

Zodiac Man. Painting from 1413-16.
Zodiac Man. Each Zodiac sign represents a part of the body, which was traditionally used in reading the health horoscope. Painting from 1413-16.

       A good way to familiarize yourself with how your horoscope indicates your health problems is to analyze illnesses or other health issues of your past. See if you can explain them by your birth chart, or by transits at play at the time of those ailments.

       You will have to choose significant health problems that you may have had, in order to find clear indicators of them in your horoscope. Not just any cold.

       Study your past to know your future. That's as true for astrology as it is for life in general.

Health Horoscope Chapters

  1. Your Health in Your Horoscope

  2. The Zodiac and Your Health

  3. The Planets and Your Health

  4. The Houses and Your Health

  5. The Aspects and Your Health

  6. The Transits and Your Health

  7. Disease in Your Horoscope

  8. Health Horoscope Readings:
    Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Angelina Jolie, David Beckham

  9. The Book


Click the image to see the book at Amazon (paid link).

Tarot Unfolded. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Tarot Unfolded

This book presents an imaginative method of reading the divination cards, which is the most appropriate for the Tarot, since it consists of symbolic images.

Archetypes of Mythology. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Archetypes of Mythology

Jungian theories on myth and religion examined, from Carl G. Jung to Jordan B. Peterson.

Cosmos of the Ancients. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Cosmos of the Ancients

All the philosophers of Ancient Greece and what they thought about cosmology, myth, religion and the gods.

Life Energy Encyclopedia. Book by Stefan Stenudd.

Life Energy Encyclopedia

Qi (chi), prana, pneuma, spiritus, and all the other life force concepts around the world explained and compared.



How to Make Your Own Horoscope

Your Health Horoscope

Sex in Your Horoscope

Zodiac Archetypes

Financial Astrology

Daily Horoscope Guide — What to Expect

Tetrabiblos — the Ancient Astrology Bible


Zodiac — the "how" of the horoscope

Planets — the "what" of the horoscope

Houses — the "where" of the horoscope

Aspects — the "why" of the horoscope


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About the Complete Horoscope Website

Disappearing Ascendant — Latitude Effects

The Envelope Chart — Horoscope of the Past

Astrology Links

Astrologi på svenska




The twelve Zodiac signs and what they mean in astrology.

Aries Zodiac Sign


Taurus Zodiac Sign


Gemini Zodiac Sign


Cancer Zodiac Sign


Leo Zodiac Sign


Virgo Zodiac Sign


Libra Zodiac Sign


Scorpio Zodiac Sign


Sagittarius Zodiac Sign


Capricorn Zodiac Sign


Aquarius Zodiac Sign


Pisces Zodiac Sign



Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Card Meanings. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the old Tarot deck of cards with a free online divination. How to use the Tarot and what each card means.

I Ching Online

I Ching Online. Website by Stefan Stenudd. Try the ancient Chinese divination online for free. The 64 hexagrams of I Ching, The Book of Change, and what they mean in divination.

Stefan Stenudd

Stefan Stenudd, Swedish author of fiction and non-fiction.

About me

I'm a Swedish astrologer, author and historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. My personal website:

© Stefan Stenudd