by Stefan Stenudd
Your 2012 Horoscope ForecastPredictions based on Classical Zodiac Sign AstrologyYour Zodiac sign, also called your star sign or sun sign, is simply the position of the sun in your horoscope at the moment of your birth. The complete horoscope includes the planets, the astrological Houses, and the aspects between planets. That's a whole lot more.
It shows your situation and sentiment when you're not involved in other things, for example when you rest or are unoccupied by something special. A 2012 astrological prediction based only on what Zodiac sign your sun occupies can only be vague and incomplete. It may also be completely wrong, if other ingredients in your horoscope contradict it. For a full bodied and complete 2012 horoscope taking all horoscope ingredients into account, see my reading of the 2012 World horoscope here.
please go here (my astrology blog).
MenuCOMPLETE HOROSCOPEHow to Make Your Own HoroscopeYour Health HoroscopeSex in Your HoroscopeZodiac ArchetypesFinancial AstrologyDaily Horoscope Guide — What to ExpectTetrabiblos — the Ancient Astrology BibleHOROSCOPE BASICSZodiac — the "how" of the horoscopePlanets — the "what" of the horoscopeHouses — the "where" of the horoscopeAspects — the "why" of the horoscopeFAMOUS HOROSCOPESDonald Trump — 2025 inauguration horoscope2024 presidential election horoscope for Kamala Harris2024 presidential election horoscopes for Donald Trump and Joe BidenJoe Biden's 2020 presidential election horoscopePete Buttigieg's 2020 presidential election horoscopeDonald Trump — impeachment horoscopeDonald Trump — will he resign?Hillary ClintonMike PenceBarack ObamaAnders Behring BreivikMichael JacksonSarah PalinBrad PittThe USA Horoscope — Finding and Reading ItPREDICTIONSThe USA Pluto return 2022 horoscopeCapitol attack horoscopeCovid-19 coronavirus horoscopeFuture of the InternetThe Age of AquariusUSA 2016 ElectionMundane Pluto — Its Effect on SocietyMundane Neptune — Its Effect on the ArtsMISCAbout the Complete Horoscope WebsiteDisappearing Ascendant — Latitude EffectsThe Envelope Chart — Horoscope of the PastAstrology LinksAstrologi på svenskaContactCookiesZODIAC SIGNSThe twelve Zodiac signs and what they mean in astrology.
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Stefan Stenudd![]() About meI'm a Swedish astrologer, author and historian of ideas, researching ancient thought and mythology. My personal website: